Effective Acupressure Pressure Points for Weight Loss, Acupressure Points For Weight Loss
Here are the key pressure points that will help you lose weight.
1. Ear point: It is also called auricular pressure point. To find the point, place your finger against your jaw on both sides, move your jaw up and down, and shift your fingers till you find the point where the jaw has maximum movement. Apply pressure for one minute (or up to 3 minutes).

Image Source: ehow.com
Benefits –
- Controls appetite, helps stop overeating
Research has however shown that although auricular acupressure does reduce your BMI, you could reduce more by using vaccaria seeds on the ear points. What you do here is tape the seeds to the ear point and apply pressure.
Another study published in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine: BMJ, found that auricular acupressure combined with a low-calorie diet significantly reduced leptin (uncontrolled food intake hormone) levels. But they were not sure about the mechanism of this reduction.
2. Abdomen point: This is situated 3cm below your belly button. Use two fingers to massage the area (move your fingers up and down gently). Press the pressure point for 2 minutes. Massage again. Do this twice a day.

Image Source: natural-health-for-fertility.com
Benefits –
- Enhances digestive system functioning
- Reduces constipation
3. Abdominal sorrow point: This pressure point is situated in line with the ear lobe under the last rib of the ribcage in front of your body. Massage gently and then curve your fingers and apply pressure to the point for 5 minutes every day.
Benefits –
- Relieves indigestion, ulcers, and pain in the ribs
- Balances appetite
4. Knee point: This is the pressure point for the stomach. It is located 5cm below the knee cap on the outer side of the leg. To find the pressure point, place your fingers one-hand-width down. Then move towards the outside of your leg, 1-finger-width off the shin bone. You know you’ve found the correct spot if you flex your foot up and down and can feel the muscle move beneath your finger. Apply pressure for 1 to 2 minutes. (This is the section for effective Acupressure Points For Weight Loss)
Benefits –
- Improves digestion in the stomach
- Decreases hunger
- Nourishes the blood
5. Ankle point: This is the pressure point for the spleen, an organ that aids digestion. The point is located on the inner side of the leg, 5cm (one hand width) above your ankle. Massage the area and apply pressure on the point with your knuckle or thumb for 1 minute. Release slowly. It is safer not to use this pressure point if you are pregnant.
Benefits –
- Strengthens your digestive system for better functioning.
- Helps elimination of wastes.
6. Elbow point: This is the pressure point for stimulating the function of the large intestine. To locate the pressure point move a thumb-width distance from your elbow joint to the inside crease of your elbow. Keep your hand close to your chest. Apply pressure for 1 minute. Repeat with the other arm.
Benefits –
- Removes excess heat and waste water from the body.
7. Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT): Although this acupressure technique is used to release /remove trauma and fear, studies have shown that it could help with weight loss and more so with weight loss maintenance. The technique is as follows – (You are reading Acupressure Points For Weight Loss)
- With your thumb and fourth finger, lightly press the soft portion of the inner corner of each eye.
- With the middle finger of the same hand, lightly touch your third eye (directly above the nose and half-inch above the eyebrow level).
- Place your other hand at the back of your head, the palm cradling the occiput (area where the head sits on the neck) and the thumb pointing down.
- Focus on a series of affirmations / statements, reducing weight in this case, while holding the TAT pose.
- Practice this every day. You can do it for 20 to 30 minutes at a time or use it throughout the day.
Acupressure does help with weight loss, but to really see the difference you need to exercise and consume a healthy and balanced diet as well. Combine acupressure with healthy eating habits and moderate exercise, and see yourself lose weight!