Acupressure for Migraine Headache – Massage Monday #378

Hi everyone. I am Yasuko and it's time for Massage Monday. My dear friend is suffering from migraines
so this week I'm going to share acupressure points for migraine. Migraine is a severe case of headache and
often comes on one side of the head and accompanied by blurred vision, pounding sensation, nausea,
and physical movement makes it worse. Press these points for one minute as you breathe
deeply. The first one is on your hand. If you are pregnant do not press this point
until after the due date because it can cause labor. You can press all the other ones in this video. Close your thumb and index finger. It's at the end of the crease. This is called Large Intestine 4 or LI 4. Press this point towards the index finger
bone. This point is good for any kind of pain because
it produces endorphins also known as a natural painkiller hormone. The next one is in the corner of the forehead
where the forehead and hairline meet. This is called Stomach 8 or ST 8. Some instructions say half the thumb width
from the hairline. To be exact it's 4.5 thumb widths or 4.5 cuns
from the center where the nose line and the hairline meet. You can also use four fingers which is the
same as 3 thumbs or 3 cuns and two fingers which is the same as 1.5 thumb or 1.5 cun. I think it's simpler to imagine you have a
straight hairline across and down and it's in the corner. Find the depression in the center at the base
of the skull. Move to the side and go over the big ropy
muscle which is trapezius and there is a depression. These are called GB 20 or Gall Bladder 20. You can press or circle to stimulate these
points using hooked thumbs, fingertips, overlapped fingertips, or with free thumbs by weaving
fingers. The last one is on the top of the foot. Go up the valley between the pinky and 4th
toe and it's where the finger stops. This is called Gallbladder 41 or GB 41. If you have a hard time reaching your foot,
use a tool such as a pencil eraser to press these points. I hope this is helpful. Thanks for watching. I'll see you back next week. Make it a great week. Feel free to comment below and please don't
forget to subscribe.