top and Brad the 203 is physical today hi folks I'm Bob short physical therapist Brad I'm a physical therapist you got to be the most famous physical therapist on you know that bread in our opinion of course Brad today I want to just show some one-minute sciatica exercises you can do for pain relief these actually can lead to total relief – but it's just kind of a quick start right so so we've got a number of them here not all of them might work but more than likely you're going to find one or two them that are going to give you some good really exactly so let's go ahead and start off Brad the first thing well you know what we're trying to do Brad is we're trying to right away and I stand up sit back down okay out of your head what we're trying to do is we're trying times the pain is going down the leg exactly what can you trigger on stressor and please so a lot of times the pain is in here and then it'll go down one leg or the other leg and you know go out into the but then eventually go down to the back of leg maybe the calf and maybe even to the foot so what we're trying to do with these exercises we're trying to get that pain out of the leg especially out of the foot and calf first and then out of the thigh and then out of the butt and it usually that's the progression right that's what we're looking for from the foot up so this is my painful side aisle if we can see that blue on here I should probably took a red color huh Brad do you want to hand me those pillows here this is often the first step that we do with people when they're having that pain is we're going to have them lay on a couple pillows because some people can't lay flat so all you're going to do for one minute is lay like this kind of the pillows are underneath the pelvis or at the back and then sometimes can you lift up father sometimes I'll put the pillows this way and I'll depends on much more comfortable for so this way or this way right and I think some of these people will be the kind of people that have a hard time straighten up exactly this finding that they're walking forward with that back pain that's right and so this is the progression so you can stay there for a minute then you might just take one pole out Brad right and you might not be able to be on your elbows you may have yeah you'd be down like this yeah and then after another minute you take this one out right and I've done with the patients many times where I'll start with the two pillows yeah I am too and then they say oh it feels a little bit better a lot better with the pillows and you give them I might take a minute or two and then you take one pillow out because it starts feeling better and then you drop it down just like Bob is here so now you know some of you might be able to skip through the skip right away brad exact lemon you might build it and so we're going to have you lay this way for a minute now after that minute what you're gonna try to do is now you're going to try to prop up on your elbows for a minute right so again maybe you can go to this right away to write young people can write you may go up and say oh that kind of hurting we have to go back down but that's okay you're looking at what the pain in your leg is doing exactly this is making the pain in your leg worse or it's making it go down even further this is not the right thing to do then we're gonna have to try something else exactly all right so let's say just worked out fine Brad now we're going to go ahead and jump into the press up there and do these you know for a minute if you want I just did it with Jesus someone last week and he could do the pressure point got about this high you know not even a high by him up to here and you do baby press up because it hurts well I said just do some more and by the time he got to ten he was up to here okay and the paints are going out of his foot and out of his leg it was a good day what you're trying not to do is do this to lift up your pelvis you're keeping the pelvis down gently working it this way that's a good point Bob all right the next progression write it Bob before we're going to do that right that was ready for sure there's new people out there having that hi welcome to our channel Bob and bread yeah and today we're going to you know want you to encourage you to go ahead and subscribe to us it might be here yes some people set us up there I don't where some say it's on the screen but take a minute we upload a video every day and it's all on how to have a healthy fit pain-free Zeca not brand perfect alright so after the press up let's see the press ups don't work red you tried half press ups you know and it's just still giving you trouble these are the stubborn ones yeah and now the pain is on side so now where you going to try is what we call the banana sure so I'm going to move my butt over this way now moving my legs over this way and my upper body only this way this all makes sense Brad right now if you look at it from this angle we call it the banana because his body is shaped if you look at it this layer from the top down he's curved and its hips are over to the in this case the left usually if the pain is on the right leg you shift the hip to the left yeah so does my feet are to the right my shoulders are right my hips are to the left make that curve going in now in this position he's way here for a little bit you might get up on the elbow exactly and you might also try the press up yeah and what's going to guide you is if the leg pain is getting better then you go with it yep now let's say you find out this works for you this is the thing that you can do throughout the day for one minute and that's that's the idea behind all these if you if you find out the press ups alone work for you go ahead for one minute you can do those two every hour Brad yep I had a patient I've got to tell a story he was an excellent patient he has his own business he needed to get better fast he in his way from out to Las Vegas and he's having this probably is getting better at the time I said to him every one to two hours in Vegas in a shop it was his wife was shopping for some trinkets whatever he's down on the floor and I got yes he went to a place where there wasn't many people oh my god he got better though I've had people where I've had him take cardboard to work no and they worked on a shop you know like a manufacturer or and they would go down through it he won't hesitate if it works you want to get out or you'll do it now when we say every hour we know you may not be able to do it every hour but if you do it five to six times a day that's that's really helping a lot all right the next one Brad is this one doesn't work she's a banana boy we really got some beeping going on there yeah we're going to go ahead and put the towel underneath the soft side here yep so this is instead of the banana now if the banana don't work you might try putting at all right underneath the pelvis here right so what that does it tilt is the tilt the pelvis a little bit and it changes the force on the back it's going to take that disc that bulging the disc and get it out of the way right and again with this works that you can go ahead and do press okay we're throwing a lot at you here but you know try these step-by-step if you find one that works that's the one you're going to do everyday right alright the next one that you may it was just similar this one brad is actually the roadkill right so this is kind of an unusual name I'm not sure how it got because well you look like roadkill and I guess so I'm bringing just one leg up there one knee up like this so and again I'm gonna lay here I'm going to see if this and you had a patient is just constantly but yeah I use this one over the years a number of times with success yeah so in all this gives you the relief again it left leg and let's leg pain less back not less back pain normally it's usually less leg pain right eventually less back pain and then you can go ahead and do press ups even in this position don't you don't really do so no I'll have them do it for sure but it's just kind of I always tell a person that it's kind of a weird presip because you're not going to go as high but you still follow the same rules if the leg gets better it's okay okay all right this one Brad is a little more advanced let's see a lot of those aren't working for you want to try something new I'm gonna grab a pillow here right this is a mulligan technique and I don't what they do it in McKenzie too but here's my again my involved side by hope you can see that here's the side yeah so we're bringing it up like this Brad and we're going to actually twist over a little bit towards the involved side like this and you're going to see if that gives you some relief one little trick I don't know if you do this one bar but I'll have it put your foot down just lift your butt up and shift it that direction a little bit now set it down and then bring them up down over and sometimes that's tolerated a little better it works a little better it depends on individual things a little hit Brad I didn't know that once I know it works for me sometimes alright so you can give that one a try a different one a little variation this is kind of more of a sleeping one to help you sleep at night you want to grab one more pillow so you can lay on your side that's not painful this is gonna be hard for me because I got my mic here I'm gonna switch oh it's different on the other leg the water sciatic sis-in-law lay on the side that's not painful the painful side is on the side up yep so I'm laying on my side here and I'm going to go ahead and put just two pools underneath the cap underneath the ankle into that foot and believe it or not this often you know lay here for a little bit people often find out that this gives them some relief right yeah I can't haven't figured it out yet I think it works I think it brings it back up into you know a little bit of arch in here that I have to take it away this is another one that we do is called sciatic nerve flossing red eye so again since we got the painful side here this is something you want to be very careful with the static nerve is very tender and you know you don't want to go crazy on this I usually only have people do this once or twice a day right nerves don't like muscles if you stretch them too hard it sounds very uncomfortable this should not be painful red when you're doing it up so what you're gonna do is you're gonna go actually bring the foot up and bring the toe toward you but why you do that you actually bring your head back like this bread yep so so the toll goes towards you the head goes down at the same time then you go down and the head goes down so the Bettany and then the toe points down and yellow what you're doing is flossing a nerve so down toe goes down up head goes up coal goes up down hole goes down head goes down yeah you're just trying to loosen the nerve up yeah your box now if there's some scar tissue on to help judge decrease that so well Brad those are it we made it through the ten already yeah in other we probably got videos on these individual ones as well so just keep on looking at our videos and you're going to find some excellent we go that's going to fit you got playlist we can Jerris all yeah other side nerve some thanks for watching you